The relationship between tires and fuel consumption is an aspect often overlooked in fleet management. However, it is crucial to understand how proper tire maintenance can have a significant impact on fuel efficiency and, consequently, on operating costs.
Let's look at some points to consider:
Inflation Pressure
A key factor is tire inflation pressureTires with inadequate pressure create more rolling resistance, which means the engine needs to work harder to move the vehicle. This results in higher fuel consumption. Maintaining the correct pressure not only optimizes tire performance but can also reduce diesel consumption by 3-5%, which can represent between 90 and 150 liters less diesel per month, considering that an average truck travels between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometers monthly. This translates to savings of approximately $2,070 to $3,450 MXN per monthconsidering an average price of $23 MXN per liter of diesel in Mexico. This saving may seem small, but when multiplied across multiple trucks, it represents a significant reduction in operating costs.
Alignment and Balancing
Another important aspect is tire alignment and balancing. If the tires are not properly aligned, the vehicle will have to compensate for that additional resistance, which also negatively impacts fuel consumption. Proper alignment helps ensure even wear and allows the truck to move more efficiently.
Tread Depth
the tread depth of the tire also plays an important role. Tires with excessive or uneven wear have less grip and create more resistance, affecting both safety and fuel efficiency. Constantly monitoring the condition of the tires allows for timely action and helps avoid issues that impact operating costs.
Quinta's Solution
At Quinta, our solutions allow the transportation industry to have detailed control over the condition of their tires. Through constant monitoring of pressure, wear, and alignment, we help carriers optimize tire performance and reduce fuel consumption. This results not only in significant savings but also in a more sustainable and efficient operation. Additionally, some tire models are specifically designed to improve fuel efficiency. If you want to know which models are best suited for your operation, don't hesitate to contact us. Quinta is continuously innovating, which is why we are working on a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS), coming in January 2025, so our customers can save even more and have real-time traceability, addressing this issue at its root alongside us.
Few companies understand the direct relationship between tire condition and fuel consumption, and at Quinta, we want to change that. We want our customers to have all the necessary tools to improve the efficiency of their fleet and reduce their costs, starting with something as essential as tires.
In upcoming blogs, we will continue exploring more topics that can help you improve your operation. Follow us and stay informed!